Sponsor the Golf Tournament


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Julie Baker Memorial Golf Tournament Logo

Please note: We use a zero-fee platform called Zeffy for sponsorships. It's completely free for us, which means more donations can go directly our cause.

On the sponsorship form, if you do not wish to contribute to Zeffy, make sure to select "Other" from the dropdown menu and type "0" in the contribution box.

Make checks out to: Julie and Dick Baker Memorial Fund

Mail checks to: Julie and Dick Baker Memorial Fund, 835 Crittenden Rd, Rochester, NY 14623

Logo instructions can be found in your email confirmation after checkout.

Due by: July 14, 2025. Sponsorships submitted after this date will not be included in print materials.

Established in 2021 to honor Julie, our golf tournament benefits the Willow Domestic Violence Center in Rochester, NY. Willow's mission is to prevent abuse and provide survivors with the services and support they need to live a safe and empowered life, with a vision of a community free from domestic violence where healthy relationships thrive.

To date, we have raised $155,000 for Willow thanks to the generosity of our attendees and donors.

We are now accepting raffle and silent auction prizes! If you or someone you know is willing to donate a basket, gift card, service, or item of any kind, reach out to a volunteer or send us an email at fundraising@juliebakermemorialgolf.com.

Prize donations are accepted until July 7, 2025.

The Julie and Dick Baker Memorial Fund, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, was formed in 2023 to honor both Julie and her late husband Dick.

All donations to our golf tournament are tax deductible. You will receive a tax receipt via email upon checkout. If you have any questions, please contact us at fundraising@juliebakermemorialgolf.com.

We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to our cause over the years. We will work to never let Julie and Dick’s love and light for their family, their friends, and each other dwindle.